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Past Programmes: South Sudan, English Guest User Past Programmes: South Sudan, English Guest User

Market Assessment In South Sudan, Prepared by Forcier Consulting

Report on the accessibility of goods at markets in South Sudan and highlights products that consumers found difficult or impossible to obtain. In particular, fruits, vegetables, grains, and pulses, are undersupplied in all three states surveyed. The report draws attention to issues like transportation of goods and currency exchanges hindering these markets before making recommendations to address these.

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Sudan, English, Past Programmes: South Sudan Guest User Sudan, English, Past Programmes: South Sudan Guest User

A Study Of The Potential Of The Border Region Of South Sudan & Sudan In Light Manufacturing July 2015

Overview of the challenges and potential advantages that the border region of South Sudan-Sudan has when it comes to light manufacturing. The diversification of industry from oil will help to reduce poverty and increase security. The report highlights areas that have potential and recommends policies to help promote these developments.

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Sudan, Past Programmes: South Sudan, English Guest User Sudan, Past Programmes: South Sudan, English Guest User

Crossing The Line: Transhumance In Transition Along The Sudan- South Sudan Border October 2012

Documents the process of nomadic pastoralism across the Sudan-South Sudan border through the dry season 2011-2012 and identifies some key factors that affected the nature of this migration. It breaks down elements such as the security, economics, and leadership that shape this migration.

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Past Programmes: South Sudan, English Guest User Past Programmes: South Sudan, English Guest User

Cross-border Migration Conference: Renk, Upper Nile State: 3-5 July 2012

Before the succession of the Republic of South Sudan from Sudan, nomadic communities used to freely move into South Sudan in Melut County with their cattle without restriction, and they enjoyed good relationships with the host communities. However, since independence, relationships have deteriorated. This conference brought together members of the different communities to better understand the reasons for conflict and secure an agreement to help prevent it.

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Past Programmes: South Sudan, English Guest User Past Programmes: South Sudan, English Guest User

Melut County Migration Conference: 19-21 June 2012

This is a report of a Cross–Border Migration Conference held at Melut County Hall in Upper Nile State from 19 to 21 June 2012, organized by Concordis International and funded by the European Union. The conference brought together the Fellata and Arabs pastoralists with the host communities of Melut County to discuss and agree on policies for the migration of pastoralists in the county.

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Past Programmes: South Sudan, English Guest User Past Programmes: South Sudan, English Guest User

Cross-border Migration Conference Maban, Upper Nile State: 12-14 June 2012

Details the Cross-Border Migration Conference held at the Bankuman Primary School in Bunj, Upper Nile from 12-14 June 2012, arranged by Concordis International and funded by the European Union. The purpose of the conference was to bring together Sudanese pastoralists who migrate into Maban County, officials and community representatives from the county and leaders of refugee populations from Blue Nile currently in camps to discuss challenges to peace and stability in the county and agree upon solutions for these issues including the migration of pastoralists into the county.

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Past Programmes: South Sudan, English Guest User Past Programmes: South Sudan, English Guest User

Unity State Migration Conference: 29 February to 2 March 2012

Summary of a conference to bring together Misseriya pastoralists who migrate into Unity State and officials and community representatives from the border counties of Upper Nile State. Highlights issues and the agreement reached to harmonise the relationships between the pastoralist community and the host community in Unity State.

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English, Past Programmes: South Sudan, Sudan Joanna Kerr English, Past Programmes: South Sudan, Sudan Joanna Kerr

More than a line: Sudan’s North - South Border September 2010

This report examines drivers of conflict in the North- South border areas of Sudan and current initiatives aimed at managing them. The contents derive from desk and field research undertaken in mid-2010. The document is also informed by the views and concerns expressed by participants at workshops in seven locations along the North-South border and at a senior level workshop in Khartoum.

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