Pascaline Magendo

Hub Manager-Paoua

Faida Magendo Pascaline has worked at Concordis since 2003, as a Hub Manager for Paoua, in the prefecture of Lim-Pendé.

Before joining Concordis, Pascaline engaged in the peacebuilding sector with different international organisations (GIZ, Trócaire, International Alert, Search for Common Ground et Internews) for fourteen years. At these organisations, Pascaline worked as project manager, advisor for intercommunal conflict, expert in peacebuilding and hub manager. In her career path, she has got involved in different peacebuilding projects linked to intercommunical conflicts and property ownership (land, mine, oil). In addition to her work on peacebuilding, she dealt with protection and education issues for seven years, cooperating with international organisations such as Caritas , Avsi et Warchild Hollande.

Pascaline has got a Degree in Development Project Management at the Institut Supérieur d’Informatique et de gestion of the DRC and, a Master in conflict management at the University CERAP/INADES of Ivory Coast.