Pari Mounra

Hub Manager for Goré

MOUNRA Pari is a passionate peacebuilder with over 15 years' experience in project management. He has worked with several NGOs, leading teams, and implementing development and emergency programs in the fields of conflict management and economic resilience. His career has mainly focused on the management of peacebuilding programs, including training and capacity-building at local and national levels in conflict prevention, mediation, and crisis resolution. He has also been involved in the development and facilitation of social cohesion, dialogue, and mediation activities, as well as conflict analysis. 

He is a graduate ot the University of N’Djamena and the Catholic University of Lyon. After leaving the international NGO Catholic Relief Services, Pari joined Concordis International in 2023 as Hub Manager for Vakaga Prefecture. He is currently Concordis Base Manager in Gore, Chad; for the CARP cross-border project implementing in CAR, Chad, Cameroon, and Darfur in South Sudan.