CAR: 2019-20 Impact Report

Concordis has worked with communities in Central African Republic (CAR) since 2015. For the past 5 years we’ve worked alongside local peacebuilders promoting non-violence and peace between herders and farmers. A key part of our role has been helping seasonal livestock migrations to run smoothly and to everyone’s benefit – a crucial node for the resolution of tensions linked to pastoralist movements. Our work spans the northern prefectures of Ouham-Pendé, Bamingui-Bangoran and Vakaga, which are important corridors for seasonal livestock migration to and from Cameroon, Chad and Darfur. 

When we spoke with farmers at the border, they felt that herders weren’t respecting official border crossings and were trampling their fields. Herders explained that, on official routes, they were subject to exorbitant double taxation from authorities on both sides of the border.

When we brought together the prefects, sub-prefects and mayors from Chad and CAR they agreed to reduce taxation by over 70%. Herders have now returned to official routes, farmers’ fields are un-damaged and the authorities are able to collect revenue that was being evaded.


Training our Project Officers in CAR


The Sahel: Challenges along an Ancient Trade Route