What is Peacebuilding?

What is Peacebuilding

Concordis is a peacebuilding charity, but what does peacebuilding actually mean? The UN defines peacebuilding as "an action to identify and support structures which will … strengthen and solidify peace in order to avoid a relapse into conflict."

John Paul Lederach, a key scholar in the field of peace studies, goes a step further than this, and defines peacebuilding as “the full array of processes, approaches, and stages needed to transform conflict toward more sustainable, peaceful relationships.” 

We work alongside those affected by violent conflict, helping them transform conflict dynamics by addressing root causes of their grievances, restoring broken relationships, and by finding mutually beneficial solutions that contribute to lasting peace and economic development. 

We’re committed to finding solutions that benefit women as well as men, those in armed groups as well as those who chose not to take up arms, national governments as well as civil society.

Peacebuilding is about creating the conditions needed for sustainable peace. This involves creating communication channels and generating trust between different groups in many different ways:

  • Conducting nuanced conflict analysis to identify key drivers of conflict, recognising that conflict is complicated, every conflict is unique, and there may be many different root causes to an individual conflict.

  • Providing support and training for local peacebuilders, recognising that they know the context better than we ever can, and will be present long after we have left. 

  • Hosting and facilitating peace dialogues and conferences, bringing together those affected by conflict with those who have power to address its root causes.

  • Ensuring that all peacebuilding activities are inclusive of women, youth and, where appropriate, armed groups.

  • Promoting mutual benefits and incentives to peaceful coexistence through trade.

  • Strategically investing in infrastructure to address drivers of intercommunity tension, such as water points, vaccination centres and shared markets.

This holistic approach means that people have outlets to resolve future differences through non-violent means. Peacebuilding means more than just tackling the symptoms of these issues when they arise - peacebuilding means tackling the root causes of conflict to build sustainable peace. 

Most importantly, it’s about building relationships of trust between different groups. 

If you are interested in supporting peacebuilding, you can learn more about Concordis’ work and the areas we work in here.

Follow this link if you would like to donate, or reach out to us if you know of an institution that could support our work.

  1. UN Secretary-General, An agenda for peace : preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peace-keeping : report of the Secretary-General pursuant to the statement adopted by the Summit Meeting of the Security, 31 Jan 1992

  2. John Paul Lederach, In Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies, (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Institute of Peace Press, 1997), 20


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